Brittany Barrafato

Brittany is the Sales Leasing Coordinator at Cobb Technologies, having joined the Cobb team in August 2017. With nearly 7 years of experience in the office technology field, Brittany provides essential support to our sales representatives, equipping them with current lease information, upgrade or buyout details, and other critical data to help secure sales. Outside of work, Brittany enjoys discovering new hiking trails and breweries around Richmond with her fiancé and their two dogs, a Yellow Lab and a Beagle.

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What's It Like to Onboard with Cobb - Kiersten's Experience

It’s no secret that searching for a job is one of the most stressful aspects of life. In fact, starting a new job ranks among the top five most stressful moments in life; the other four being serious illness, moving, divorce, and death.

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