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2 min read

How Non-Profits Can Gain Access to Copiers That Fit Your Budget

There is a very good reason 501c3 non-profit organizations are tax exempt; the funds they spend go directly towards bettering their community, the...

Three Key Things Nonprofits Need to Consider When Choosing a Copier

6 min read

Three Key Things Nonprofits Need to Consider When Choosing a Copier

Managing a nonprofit is inherently rewarding and challenging. You work hard, but, when you choose equipment and solutions that suit your...

2 min read

When Non-Profits Will Benefit From Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services can be complex and represent a significant investment for your organization. There’s good reason for this, however, as Managed IT...

What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Church Copier

7 min read

What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Church Copier

In this video, we’re going to answer the six questions our church clients ask us most frequently when they're looking to get a new copier for their...


2 min read

Why Religious Organizations Should Put Faith in Their Printers

Regardless of your denomination, having cost-effective printers and copiers at your church, temple or mosque will keep your volunteers, congregation...