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#Document Management (2)

5 min read

5 Tips for Back-Scanning Your Files

There is quite possibly nothing more tedious and daunting than confronting a mountain of stored files that require back-scanning into a CMS (content...

9 min read

Why Legal Firms Need M-Files

Law is a lot like jazz. When a person says they are a jazz musician, often the first question that comes to mind is, “what kind of jazz do you play?”...

2 min read

eSignature Software - How to Speed Up Your Law Firm

How much does your law firm spend a month on copying, printing, mailing, and overnighting packages through FEDEX and UPS?

3 min read

How Much Does PandaDoc Cost?

THIS BLOG WAS UPDATED MARCH 4TH, 2024 In today's market of eSignature solutions, PandaDoc stands out as a comprehensive platform offering more than...

2 min read

Why Manufacturers Need M-Files

Did you know that out of the top seven challenges manufacturers face in 2021, four have to do with data management?

2 min read

How Much Does DocuSign Cost?

Every day, business gets a bit more digital. With this digitization comes the need to conduct operations at speed — and the fastest way to slow...

2 min read

Why AEC Firms Need M-Files

If you work in the AEC industry, you know how important it is to work off of the most up-to-date information. Simple mistakes due to lack of document...

4 min read

What is Enterprise Content Management?

If you have ever spent fifteen minutes searching through shared folders for a particular document, spoken with a co-worker about a document only to...

3 min read

How Do I Securely and Effectively Manage My Contracts?

How much of your business’ growth has been impeded by inefficient processes? Probably more than you would like to admit. But that is okay — in the...